Doc Design
Professional Drafting Services
Give Experience a try.



Welcome, and Thank you for Visiting my Web site. In here we will explain what we do and hopefully you will like what we have to offer, our prices are fair and our staff is courteous.

24 Years in the Steel Business, You can't beat that! Plus I will beat anyone's Price. Just give our office a call and we will be willing to assist you in anyway possible. I alone have been doing this for 24 years, combined we have a staff of over 100 years of experience. If you were looking for the best at a lower price than anyone else then you have come to the right place.

We can literally draw anything. If we can't draw it, it can't be built.

Why in the world should I outsource my Drafting Department? (This question always comes up)
There are several reasons; Cost, Consistency, Reliability, Time Frame, Supplemental. Click here for more information.

Being a customer with our company will give you access to our FTP Server at which point you can upload or download plans. Give links to your customers with your shop drawings for them to download. Plus you are given a free FTP Client that we here at Doc Design have developed just for this purpose.

We can email plt files to your local printer so they can print your plans for you to pick up. We have worked out all the logistics to make working with us a pleasant experience.

We work with the latest software so you benefit from all the advances in technology.

You as a customer with this company will be treated with the up most respect, you just tell us what you want and we will deliver.

Some of the services we deliver are: Paper to CAD Drafting Services, Steel Detailing, 3D Drafting Services, Architectural and Engineering Drafting.

Just give us a call at (801) 676-9313 there will be someone here to help you with all your needs.



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