Doc Design
Professional Drafting Services
Give Experience a try.


1. Flat Layouts for Sheet metal. (including curves)
2. Paper to CAD Conversions
3 . Engineering.
4 . Steel Detailing
5 . Part Detailing in 2D or 3D. (including mini avi movies)
6 . Shop Drawings 2D, 3D, Isometric, and Axonometric views.
7 . Drawings for Laser or Water Jet CNC Machines.
8 . IGES for CNC Machines. (surfaces and solids)
9 . Architectural Drafting.
10. Kitchen Equipment
11. Miscellaneous Steel
12 . 3D virtual Walk Through of a building.
13. Stairs


Other Services

1. Web site Design
2. Web site Hosting
3. Programming
4. Computer Build and Install.
5. Computer Imaging and Design
6. Graphic Design
7. Catalogue Creation



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