Doc Design
Professional Drafting Services
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Web Site Design

We also include in our portfolio the ability to create web sites for our customers. If you are a customer of ours then you will receive a discount on a web site and plus we will maintain, update and host the web site for you.

If you already have the Server then we can upload the files directly then you can link them if you wish. I created this Web site myself and I know it's really simple but that is what I wanted, I don't want to get too flashy of a web site that would mean I had something to hide, flashing lights, bells and whistles are a smoke screen. I kept it simple because I wanted my customers and future customers focusing on the drawings and what I had to say instead of having the web site distract the user.

A Web Site like this would be $200.00 to our existing customers plus Hosting for a year, then $10.00 a month after that; which is half off the regular price.

If you require a real fancy web site then call for a quote, we can certainly provide you with one of those.

Here is an example of a website that I created recently.







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